Get Paid to Learn, Jumpstart your Career!
What is the Cayuse Apprenticeship Program
The Cayuse Apprenticeship Program is designed to help CTUIR college students attain a degree and work towards a career at Cayuse. Apprentices will gain work experience through a part-time job at Cayuse, receive financial support for college and work with professional staff on a guided career path.
Support CTUIR college students attain a degree.
Gain experience through a paid job.
Earn a certificate of program completion.
Why Become a Cayuse Apprentice
Cayuse Apprenticeship Program helps college students attain a degree and work towards a career at Cayuse.
Work part-time and get paid while learning new skills relevant to your future line of work.
Along with earning work wages, you will receive financial support towards your education.
Potential for a full-time job
with Cayuse when you finish
your degree.
Connect with and learn from Cayuse professionals, serving as mentors, in the same career path you are interested in.
Who Can Be a Cayuse Apprentice
To apply to be a participant of this program, you must meet the key eligibility requirements. Key eligibility requirements include:
Open to enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation who are attending college or plan to attend college in the coming year.
Many career paths considered, but students leaning towards these careers may benefit most: business, marketing, graphic design, communication and social media, business development and sales, information technology, compliance/legal, human resources, finance, project management.

Cayuse offers a variety of careers for those interested in business administration and back-office support for a company. If you’re interested in working towards a career in these areas, the Cayuse Apprenticeship Program may be a good fit for you. Click on a department to see examples of careers and jobs at Cayuse.